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Improving access to greenspace - A new review for 2020

Parks for London says:

This report is intended to assist local authorities (especially public health teams) make the case for maintaining and increasing the provision of (and equitable access to) greenspace and growing the wider network of green infrastructure, especially through the planning system.

The value of our parks and greenspaces has been much highlighted during the pandemic, so we applaud the timely publication of this report and hope that local authority decision makers will read and implement the recommendations of the report, to take a joined-up approach between planning, health, leisure and other services.


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Public Health England exists to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities. We do this through world-leading science, research, knowledge and intelligence, advocacy, partnerships and the delivery of specialist public health services. We are an executive agency of the Department of Health, and a distinct delivery organisation with operational autonomy to advise and support government, local authorities and the NHS in a professionally independent manner.

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Published March 2020
PHE publications gateway number: GW-1158 
PHE supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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About Parks for London

Parks for London (formerly the London Parks & Green Spaces Forum) became an independent charity on 7th March 2014. We provide the leading strategic and representative voice for our supporters and the green space sector in London. We love London’s parks and green spaces and work with the people that manage, maintain and enjoy them, to keep them thriving, accessible, safe and beautiful places.


Access resource

Author: Public Health England (UK)

Estimated Read Time: Long Read