Home News News This is the place to read all of the latest news from the Green Flag Award® Scheme. 01 October 2022 Voting is open for the UK's favourite parks and green spaces Help us find the UK's favourite green spaces by voting for yours in the Green Flag Award People’s Choice Awards! Over the last few years, more than ever, we ... 27 September 2022 European Green Flag Award winners announced A record number of parks and green spaces worldwide are winning Green Flag Awards in 2022On the 14th September Ireland announced a record breaking 105 winner... 26 August 2022 Best of the Best awards announcement 2022 Following this year's Green Flag Award announcement, with 2,208 UK parks & green spaces proudly raising the flag, the UK Best of the Best awards ar... 26 August 2022 Finland flies the flag for another record breaking year! A record 12 green spaces in Finland have won the Green Flag Award in 2022! The winners were announced on 25th of August at the Summer Congress of the Associa... 25 August 2022 World Urban Parks Congress 2022 announced for November in Mexico World Urban Parks - The international organisation for open space and recreation is excited to announce that the 2022 World Parks Congress will take place in... 01 August 2022 Over 100 new and revamped parks to level up towns and cities across the UK People in towns and cities across the UK will benefit from over 100 new and improved green spaces on their doorstep through £9 million in government funding.... 26 July 2022 2208 green spaces across UK to fly Green Flags with pride A record number of parks and green spaces across the UK reached the high standards required for a coveted Green Flag Award in 2022. The scheme is celebrating... 13 May 2022 USA Greater and Greener conference to feature Green Flag Award Organised by City Parks Alliance - the Greater & Greener biennial conference explores how urban parks can be designed, developed, programmed, funded, a... 13 May 2022 Pesticide-Free London campaign gathers support Pesticide Action Network UK recently launched their Pesticide-Free London campaign which encourages politicians and local authorities to set a target to elim... 14 April 2022 Pohang's "High Line" achieves first ever Green Flag Award in Korea Pohang's "High Line" achieves first ever Green Flag Award in Korea The Railroad Forest in Pohang has become the first winner of a Green Flag Award in Korea a... 01 April 2022 United Arab Emirates celebrates record-breaking Green Flag Award winners The United Arab Emirates has reached a new record of Green Flag Award winners for their 2022-23 season Abu Dhabi Municipality won a total of 20 Awards alongs... 30 March 2022 New Parks and Green Spaces Research Portal launched Improving the world’s parks and green spaces A ground-breaking project that aims to improve parks across the globe has been launched. The Parks & Green S... Previous 1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 Next