27 June 2017
Is litter a problem in your green space?
Is it sometimes dropped frustratingly close to a nearby bin?
Looking for a simple solution?
Keep Britain Tidy have been trialling a simple, different way to encourage bin use .... green footprints. Green footprints use behavioural insights to nudge pedestrians into doing the right thing when it comes to litter.
Litter bins are made more prominent by placing a set of bright green footprints in front of them. And sometimes the simplest of solutions are the best. During the trials, both in green spaces and retail spaces, when the footprints were installed litter on the ground was reduced by an average of 15.9% and in some places by up to 46%
Environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy are now offering this tried-and-tested solution to councils and land managers. Email [email protected] for more information.