15 June 2017

Scots make over 160 million visits to local parks and green spaces every year. And now greenspace Scotland has secured a £500,000 Heritage Lottery Fund grant as the first step towards establishing a multi-million pound endowment fund for parks in Scotland.
The money is offered as match funding for any donations the fund attracts, which Greenspace Scotland is confident will reach the half million mark within three years. The £1m will be invested to provide an endowment to support Scotland’s parks in perpetuity, with the aim of growing the fund into the millions of pounds.
Chief executive of Greenspace Scotland Julie Procter said: "Scotland’s parks are well-used and much loved. We want to ensure they continue to be cherished and nurtured so that we hand them on in good heart for our children and grandchildren to enjoy.
"The Scottish Parks Endowment Fund is an easy and simple way for everyone who uses and loves Scotland’s parks to make a donation, large or small, to support our treasured parks. And it’s a great way to grow the value of your donation."
Greenspace Scotland is working in partnership with MyParkScotland, park friends, community groups and park lovers, both inside and outside Scotland, to run the fund.
MyParkScotland has already started taking endowment donations. Members of the public, businesses and organisations have so far donated. One example is Edinburgh Council, who have donated its fee for filming rights in its parks to the scheme. You can also donate to the fund here.