13 July 2017

As we launch a week-long celebration, we all need to show we #LoveParks to protect them for future generations.
Parks matter to people. Every year we make more than 2.6 billion visits to our parks and green spaces. This is a whopping 520 times more visits than are made to the top 20 free attractions in the UK each year.
Our parks are a resource that are used and valued by everyone – 90% of families with children under five, and 57% of adults, have visited a park at least once in the past month.
Keep Britain Tidy is launching the 11th annual Love Parks Week (14 - 23 July), where people across the country come together in their parks to celebrate them and show the world that parks matter to them. Discover more about the campaign and see what is happening in your local area.
This year, the campaign is encouraging everyone to ‘have a heart’ and tell the world - via social media - just why they love their park, using the hashtag #LoveParks.
Keep Britain Tidy Chief Executive Allison Ogden-Newton said: “Our parks really are a national treasure and we need to support them if we want to protect them for future generations. These are tough times for parks managers and last year 92% of them reported that they had had their budgets cut in the past three years, so parks need our support and we need to show those who hold the purse strings that parks matter to people across the UK.”