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Key Dates

Australia - Green Flag Award 2024-25

• Applications open 1 March 2024
• Applications close 31 August 2024
• Judging occurs during August/September 2024
• Award announcements October/November 2024

Training and Support

Green Flag Judges Training

If you would like to apply to become a judge, please visit this webpage to complete and submit your EOI:


Prices displayed exclude TAX/VAT

Size (hectares) Price Heritage Fee Community Fee Innovation Fee VAT
up to 19.99 1550.00 AUD 0.00 AUD 0.00 AUD 0.00 AUD 0.00 %
20.00 an over 1915.00 AUD 0.00 AUD 0.00 AUD 0.00 AUD 0.00 %

NOTE: Community and/or Heritage Fees do NOT apply for applications made in Australia.
These additional Awards are not currently available.

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Apply for an Award

If you are new to Green Flag Award and wish to make an application you can request a username and login by completing the information below.
If you have applied before you will be notified when the application round opens.