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Ile de Versailles

A place for relaxation and leisure since it was developed by the Dulieu-Soulard team in 1987, the île de Versailles was originally a marsh. In order to lay out the Nantes to Brest canal, work to clear the river saw the island created in 1831.
It was then the headquarters of several small craft businesses: ship builders and repairers, mechanics, etc. These businesses fell into decline from the 1950s onwards. The heart of the island is home to a Japanese-inspired tea garden. It reveals to walkers landscapes which are renewed step by step and as the seasons progress. Based in the traditional tea house, the Maison de l’Erdre, there is an opportunity to discover the plants and fish which live in the Erdre.

Nantes' sailing and water sports activities are based around the island. The quays are very busy as soon as the sun comes out, even more so at the end of August and start of September when music lovers who have come to the Rendez-vous de l’Erdre jazz festival take over the banks.

Park Facilities

Children's Play Area
Dog Free Area
Walled Garden
Green Flag
Award Winner
Managing Organisation
Service des Espaces Verts de la Ville de Nantes (SEVE)
Alexandre Piette