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Better Friends report

The National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces is the democratic umbrella organisation of the Friends Groups’ movement, with Parks Community UK (PCUK) as its platform interacting with the local groups ‘on the ground’. Together they are encouraging, supporting and promoting community involvement and empowerment in green spaces, and the sharing of good practice throughout the movement.

‘Better Friends’ was launched in September 2020, and by July 2021 211 groups from all manner of local sites had filled it in. These groups operate in 111 local authority areas throughout England, Wales and Scotland [see full list and map in The Research Data Appendix 1]. Most groups completed the whole survey. It is clear from the level of responses in some areas that there will be potential for many more responses in future – for example wherever ‘Better Friends’ gets promoted by a local forum or local authority.

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Author: Parks Community UK

Estimated Read Time: 30 minute read