26 August 2021

To celebrate the 25th Anniversay of the programme, the UK operators are hosting the first Green Flag Award virtual awards ceremony. The event will celebrate the past 25 years and recognise the people who do so much to create some of the best parks in the world.
As part of the 25th Anniversary Awards we are calling for nominations from Green Flag Award winning sites in the following categories. Please click on the links below to download a nomination form
Volunteer of the Year Gwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn
Young Volunteer of the Year Gwirfoddolwr Ifanc y Flwyddyn
Employee of the Year Gweithiwr y Flwyddyn
Team of the Year Tîm y Flwyddyn
Councillor of the Year Cynghorydd y Flwyddyn
Best Health Initiative Menter Iechyd Orau’r Flwyddyn
Most Improved Space Y Lleoliad sydd wedi Gwella Fwyaf yn y Flwyddyn
Best Promotion of Green Flag Award Hyrwyddo Gwobr y Faner Werdd yn y ffordd Orau
Paul Todd, Green Flag Award Scheme Manager said: "2021 is a significant year for the Awards as we celebrate their 25th Anniversary. The fact that the scheme now Awards over 2000 sites in the UK is down to the dedication of the people involved. We look forward to celebrating their success in November and the projects they have delivered"
Nominations close on the 22nd September 2021